How to be Bad

I love e. lockhart’s books, so I was wondering how I’d feel about a collaboration (with sarah mlynowski and lauren myracle.)  How to be Bad got off to a bit of a rocky start but about halfway in I realized I was not looking forward to the inevitable big blow out that would lead to reconciliation and happy endings because I liked all the girls.

Jesse, Vicks, and Mel all have their secrets, they hide them for different reasons but they just keep spilling over into their relationships with one another.  And really when you are on a road trip in a Opel and there are cute boys, parties, gators, hurricanes, Epcot, and baby ducks it is easy to argue, and hard to keep secrets.

I am not sure who my favorite girl was, Vicks I think.  Jesse could get a little righteous and Mel a little insecure – then again what kind of ball of mess was Vicks?

All in all a good read and a good start. 321 pages read.  2 and half hours.  Still sunny, excellent way to spend a morning.